7 Health Benefits of Goji Berry That Help You Live Longer and Happier

Here are the seven benefits essential to improving the quality of your life:

1. Promotes Longevity.

Antioxidants are key elements in preventing damage of our cells by free radicals, or polluting molecules in our bodies. According to ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity) tests used by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, the total antioxidant power of this plant is about 10 times than blueberries; one of the highest levels in all foods.

2. Improves Blood Functions.

The iron content of the goji berry contributes to building red blood cells, which improves blood circulation. Certain components naturally lower blood pressure and cholesterol.

3. Helps You Lose Weight.

Goji berries contain 13% protein, formed from 18 amino acids, all essential ones included (complete vegetable protein). This is important for losing weight and building lean, strong muscle. Goji berries have a high concentration of nutrients per calorie compared to other foods, and are rich in fiber as well; this makes them an ideal diet food.

4. Strengthens the Immune System.

Goji berries have natural compounds which help the formation of white blood cells, and have an anti cancer effect.

5. Improves a Range of Physical Capacities:

 Energy Level

 Athletic performance

 Quality of sleep

 Ease of awakening

 Ability to focus

 Mental acuity


 Feelings of contentment and happiness

6. Balances Hormones.

Goji stimulates the secretion by the pituitary gland of HGH (Human Growth Hormone), the youth hormone. The benefits of HGH includes: reduction of body fat, better sleep, improved memory, accelerated healing, restored libido and a more youthful appearance.

7. Vision Improvement Properties.

It was found that goji was able to reduce the time it takes for vision to adapt to darkness. The carotenoids in goji may also protect against macular degeneration and cataracts.

The best part is that goji is easy to eat. It is enjoyed above all other live superfoods and herbs (bitter roots and barks) that may have equally impressive medicinal qualities, but are not as tasty.

A daily dose of 15-30g (roughly four to six dried berries per gram) of goji berries benefits your longevity lifestyle. Make it a practice to start your day with!

Best Goji Berries Here!

For more nutritional information, visit “Amount of Vitamin C in Goji Berries.”
